Apr 15, 2007

Am I an Evengelical Christian?

May I pose the question: What thoughts infiltrate your mind when I say the words "Evangelical Christian"? It's plagued me for the past couple of months. I seem to have found a way to push it into the furthest corner of my mind. Past the remember to pay the bills, take back library books, do I have any baby food left for Brennan, did I remember to put deodorant on . . . among a million other things.
In hoping to avoid having to actually think about this nagging question I sat down to fold my laundry to whatever was being spewed out of my television set. I came upon Law and Order. I have never watched this show before and because I always seem to tune in in the middle of any and all programs I was thrilled that this delightful treat of crime and punishment was just starting! I hadn't missed anything! So who cares what's on . . . I was getting to view a whole TV program from beginning to end!
Here we go. Back to the point. What episode do I happen to stumble on? A political activist for the Conservative side of things saying the most hateful things in a gathering of college students. All of whom were less than excited about her anti-stem cell research speech among other hot issues that get liberals angry and bitter at Evangelicals. Her actions and comments reflected nothing of Christ and yet how many of you agree that this is what most of our country thinks when they hear the words "Evangelical Christian"?
I admit I have been out of the loop with the circle of believers that hold those political causes in high regard. But I am confident when I say that I do not wish to be associated with them. Even though they may be my sisters and brothers in Christ I have a hard time jumping on the band wagon of political causes that have created this horrid view of Jesus.
My question is: What is the true meaning of an "Evangelical Christian"? Can we separate this label that has been put on political activists and conservative parties that happen to be followers of Christ and the true meaning of the words? This title, label whatever you call it leaves such a bad feeling way down deep that I can't help but want to dismiss this Evangelical Christian thing altogether. I am still seeking and thinking about this. I'm trying to keep it closer to the front of my mind, right next to the program guide to PBSkids.


Liz said...

"Can we separate this label that has been put on political activists and conservative parties that happen to be followers of Christ and the true meaning of the words?"

I've wondered this same thing Molly. I am beginning to despise labels, not so much because they aren't true, but because of the divisions they cause and the negative connotations people associate with their labels. What's scary to me is when people actually long for a label - who wear their label proudly and even boastfully. I was in that scary place once upon a time, and I can say now that longing for a label and division between "parties" or "beliefs" is most often because of a lack of self awareness and is truly a defense mechanism.

Papa Frank said...

I would have to agree with t & I on this whole bit. I once considered myself an evangelical Christian and now prefer to say I am a believer. It has less religious connotations. I almost go so far as to steer away from the word Christian at all. I love Jesus. I am a follower of Christ. I am not into "playing church" any more than I am into "playing house." Life's too short for these games. I also agree that labels are often a lack of self awareness and give people a false sense of security.

david clark said...

here is an interesting article from the washington post

Anonymous said...

Good words.