Jun 1, 2007

I'm a blog-switcher!

Call me a copy cat! I don't care. Dave switched his blog to wordpress b/c he thought Rustin's was so cool. So I followed in pursuit of cool. Please visit : mc'sclamor at my new wordpress blog site.

Apr 15, 2007

Am I an Evengelical Christian?

May I pose the question: What thoughts infiltrate your mind when I say the words "Evangelical Christian"? It's plagued me for the past couple of months. I seem to have found a way to push it into the furthest corner of my mind. Past the remember to pay the bills, take back library books, do I have any baby food left for Brennan, did I remember to put deodorant on . . . among a million other things.
In hoping to avoid having to actually think about this nagging question I sat down to fold my laundry to whatever was being spewed out of my television set. I came upon Law and Order. I have never watched this show before and because I always seem to tune in in the middle of any and all programs I was thrilled that this delightful treat of crime and punishment was just starting! I hadn't missed anything! So who cares what's on . . . I was getting to view a whole TV program from beginning to end!
Here we go. Back to the point. What episode do I happen to stumble on? A political activist for the Conservative side of things saying the most hateful things in a gathering of college students. All of whom were less than excited about her anti-stem cell research speech among other hot issues that get liberals angry and bitter at Evangelicals. Her actions and comments reflected nothing of Christ and yet how many of you agree that this is what most of our country thinks when they hear the words "Evangelical Christian"?
I admit I have been out of the loop with the circle of believers that hold those political causes in high regard. But I am confident when I say that I do not wish to be associated with them. Even though they may be my sisters and brothers in Christ I have a hard time jumping on the band wagon of political causes that have created this horrid view of Jesus.
My question is: What is the true meaning of an "Evangelical Christian"? Can we separate this label that has been put on political activists and conservative parties that happen to be followers of Christ and the true meaning of the words? This title, label whatever you call it leaves such a bad feeling way down deep that I can't help but want to dismiss this Evangelical Christian thing altogether. I am still seeking and thinking about this. I'm trying to keep it closer to the front of my mind, right next to the program guide to PBSkids.

Mar 11, 2007

Dead Poet Society

I am a bit of an over dramatic person. But I can't shake this feeling that our "Bible Women" gathering has a bit of an underground or a secret society flare. I am excited to get some of these nagging questions out into the open so they may trouble someone else's mind for a while. It seems the more I seek and ponder on this subject the more questions come forth leaving the original ones unanswered. I am so anxious to start discussion on this but afraid also that the truth uncovered might leave me with a responsibility that I can't claim ignorance on anymore. This is an adventure I am ready to take!

Feb 27, 2007

Bible Women??

I had the opportunity to engage in a discussion last weekend with a group of college age young adults and young married couples. We focused on the book of Acts. While tackling the high standards elders are suppose to possess we ran into the roll of women in the church. One of the younger single women spoke about the responsibilty being totally the men's. Leadership and such. I couldn't believe out of the mouth of babes I was hearing exactly what I would have said at her age 6 years ago. My view has been altered a little by my wonderful broad thinking husband who has caused me to question these oppressive answers that I used to think would bring me to a closer to God, holier me. Be submissive, don't teach men, don't speak at a gathering, ask your hubby when you get home, don't be in leadership. . .

Some facts about the women in the Bible that have been brought to my attention of late is that there were women who traveled with Jesus. There were women apostles. Who was with Jesus to what seemed his end?? Women. Who did Jesus reveal himself first to when he rose again? Women.

I'm not coming from a feminist mind set here. I'm just questioning the conservative teachings that I have hid behind for so man years. These teachings that I hear young women clinging to as I did cause me to step back and realize how oppressive it sounds and see how it doesn't quite line up with the Gospel of Christ.

So many questions floating in my head. Are we all equal in Christ. . . "niether male of female". . . Why have I held onto these teachings? How have they effected my serving, my relationships, my family?

Feb 6, 2007

Welcome to the blogging world, Molly Clark!

Hello to all who are readling this. My husband is a philosophy student. I could end this hear and all of you would probably nod your heads with a deep sympathy and understanding. Especially if any have mutual contact with this breed that ponders about. . . well. . . pondering and the effects it has on our lives, loves, and how he can get out of helping with the laundry!

Now that we have established the enviroment that I am habitating in. I can share with you the reason for my OWN blog. It's really a thing of jealousy. This blogging concept was first introduced to me a couple of years back when my dear, sweet philosopher wanted me to check his new blog out. I thought it was cool but didn't think I would be interested in this world of postings and conversations.

Long story short, here I am. Out of jealousy that my husband is busy blogging and I feeling the need to call something my own in a house of 4 men! To all, thank you for taking the time to read and communicate your precious thoughts and I hope you find space to create your own minds.